who is invented mouse and its history

The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 while he was working at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California. The original mouse was a wooden block with two metal wheels, which could be rolled on a flat surface to move the cursor on the screen.

In 1968, SRI licensed the mouse technology to the computer company Xerox, which incorporated it into its Xerox Alto computer. However, it was not until the 1980s, when Apple introduced the Macintosh computer, that the mouse became widely used.

Over the years, the mouse has undergone many design changes and improvements. The first commercially available mouse was a mechanical device, but it was soon replaced by optical mice that used LED lights to detect movement. Today, most mice use laser technology for more precise tracking.

In addition to its original purpose as a pointing device, the mouse is now also used for clicking, dragging, and scrolling. It remains one of the most commonly used input devices in the world, and it has greatly contributed to the ease and efficiency of computer use.

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