acts by british parliment

 There were several acts passed by the British Parliament that had a significant impact on India during the period of British colonial rule. Here are a few examples:

  1. The Government of India Act of 1858: This act dissolved the East India Company and transferred control of British India to the British Crown. It established the office of the Secretary of State for India, who would be responsible for the administration of India and would be answerable to the British Parliament.

  2. The Indian Councils Act of 1861: This act expanded the membership of the Governor-General's Council and allowed for the appointment of non-official members, also known as Indian members, to advise the Governor-General on Indian affairs.

  3. The Indian Councils Act of 1892: This act further expanded the membership of the Governor-General's Council and allowed for the introduction of a system of indirect elections to the Council.

  4. The Indian Councils Act of 1909: This act, also known as the Morley-Minto Reforms, expanded the membership of the Imperial Legislative Council and allowed for the introduction of a system of separate electorates for Muslims.

  5. The Government of India Act of 1935: This act was a major constitutional reform that provided for greater autonomy for the provinces and established a system of federal government in India. It also provided for the establishment of an All-India Federation and created a system of dyarchy, where certain subjects were placed under the control of the Governor while others were left to the elected ministers.

These acts were passed by the British Parliament with the intent of giving Indians more representation and power in their own government, but in reality, it was a way for the British government to maintain control over India.

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